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At Terror4fun we are trying to raise the quality of zombies, not only around the British Isles but, around the world...

It is for this reason that we have put together the most valuable resources that anyone thinking of creating zombies would need...



Zombie Make Up Galleries: These are galleries of images from people who have created zombies for movies, music videos, murder mystery events, zombie LARP events, halloween parties and just to scare the shit out of their friends and family alike...

Click Here to Enter Zombie Make Up Gallery 1.

Click Here to Enter Zombie Make Up Gallery 2.


Zombie Make Up Guides:

1) How to Make the Dead Live... This is a document produced and written by Zombie Ed, based upon an original document by Bob Bankard... Which is the best on-line guide to Zombie Make Up, Zombie Behaviour and Zombie Costuming... Put together from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, to give you the tools to create your own member of the Legions of the Living Dead...

Click Here for Zombie Make Up Guide 1: How to make the Dead Live...

2) The STUART CONRAN Guide to Making a Better Zombie... This doument was created by Stuart Conran, make up artists from 'Shaun of the Dead,' who created this to enable people to make first class living dead with thinsg found around the house or at the very worst in any craft shop !

Click Here for Zombie Make Up Guide 2: The STUART CONRAN Guide to Making a Better Zombie...


All of the images in the Zombie Make Up Gallery appear with the kind permission of the Amateur and Professional Make Up Artists who created the Undead... Many thanks to them all... If you want to know more of the specifics about certain make up jobs or if you want to find Downloadable Versions of the Make Up Guides then please look at the Links and Downloads Page for more details...

...and remember... if you love Zombies then check out our sponsors...