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Grey Dogs

Author(s): Ian DG Sandusky

Publisher: Severed Press

Publication Date: October 2010

Name of Reviewer: Sean T Page, Ministry of Zombies

Review: This is a first novel from Canadian author Ian DG Sandusky & before we even start, I understand there's a follow up so, if you like a series, this may well be one to have a look at.... So, on with the review…. The novel is a classic zombie survival tale of the first order. Following a pretty typical, mixed up family, we see the disaster unfold in a very realistic and gritty zombie survival context.

The description of the outbreak itself is strong – all I will say is watch out for the's always a hobo... The plot includes some the great elements of survival tales that we know & love such as fortifying the home & the mad dash through town. I would describe Sandusky as a serious writer – there is certainly a literary flair to how he put his story across. All of the encounters tell you something about the background of the characters, making it uncomfortable reading sometimes as you begin to identify closely with the folks in the novel.

The central story is how various imperfect characters battle across or to survive in ghoultown USA. There are desperate dashes across the town, tragic deaths & a dad who can handle himself. Sandusky is also not afraid to kill characters off – get used to it!

Now for the all important Zombie Times Ratings:-

Zombie Fear Factor: 4 Brains out of 5

This book has a slow pervading fear factor – you are happily reading the novel, Sandusky doesn't drench it in bloodshed for no reason. He develops the characters, then wham – it's zombie time. A more realistic approach which I think makes the whole thing just a bit too close to real life so scores a very respectable 4 out of 5 stars on the Zombie Fear Factor.

Zombie Behaviour: 5 Brains out of 5

At the church of Romero, Sandusky worships and adhere's to all of the creed of the classic zombies. Feel safe reader that there are no talking zombies, tweeting zombies or madcap super-ghouls. These are the living dead as they should be. All is as it should be in Grey Dogs so it scores a compliant 5 out of 5 stars on Zombie Behaviour.

Zombie Threat: 4 Brains out of 5

In Grey Dogs, the whole world seems to have gone down the pooper. The virus is 100% communicable – it's untreatable – there's no cure. That's pretty bloody threatening. As the novel is set in North America, at least we have guns but things are looking very dicey for humans in general. Although there are not the teeming millions in the book, we know they are out there - so, 4 out of 5 stars on Zombie Threat.

Gore Content: 3 Brains out of 5

Gore Content: 3 Brains out of 5

OK Sandusky doesn't overdo the gore, it's never needlessly put in. His description of the lead characters encounters with the living dead at a road block is brilliant. There's gore in there but a healthy portion – two of your five a day I think. So, Grey Dogs scores a very acceptable 3 out of 5 stars on Gore Content.

Overall Quality: 5 Brains out of 5

OK – I gotta get this out. I'm a shallow person but I have to say this is a very nicely produced volume. The cover is shit pants scary & the font & layout very comfortable for the reader. There – I've said it. I just think that's important.

However, this is a cracking & intelligent zombie survival novel. There's plenty of character development so you don't feel like you are skating over the story. You learn a lot about what has made the characters who they are & this does help as the story developments. I understand a follow up is in the works & this would make a lot of sense as the book leaves an enticing opening for a sequel.

I'm going on a cruise holiday soon & nothing would give me greater pleasure that giving a set of the Grey Dogs survival series to some old dear & watching her devour them or jump overboard in fear after a brief game of bingo. I think this set will have a wide appeal & it's a great addition to any zombie library – now comes the wait for part two! 5 out of 5 for overall quality. We all love zombie survival series & this guy can really write.

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