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For the reopening of Willard Valley, after the complete disasters of the past few years, a large number of guests came from far and wide... Some brave, some intelligent, but mostly strange...


They congregated in the Fire Pit, to meet up with Zed and his Angels, possibly the worst Night Club owner this world has ever seen... The Club, which Zed had only just opened, had been built on the site of an abandoned Research Facility and it soon became a centre for investigation to find out just what had happened to the mysterious Dr. Damian Diablos... Just who, working in the club, knew what was going on... The Bouncer ??? The Fortune Teller ??? Who...


The Guests took a stroll through the woods looking for Dr. Diablos, but instead of the good doctor they found a Military Medical Team acting suspiciously... Asking question... Shotguns and all...

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